Anyone is welcome and accepted, just as they are. We are glad you’re here! Single? Great! Married and no children? Great! Family? Great! Jesus was radically inclusive. So are we! We worship together, fellowship, ask questions, search and serve together!

And Children!
We see our mission as growing God’s kingdom, including serving children and their families! There are so many conflicting messages in culture your children face every day with peers, social media, in their schools – everywhere. We offer value-oriented lessons that capture the interest of children of all ages. Positive, scripture based, and without shame and fear. These programs begin at 9:30 Saturday mornings. Bring the children!

And Children!
We see our mission as growing God’s kingdom, including serving children and their families! There are so many conflicting messages in culture your children face every day with peers, social media, in their schools – everywhere. We offer value-oriented lessons that capture the interest of children of all ages. Positive, scripture based, and without shame and fear. These programs begin at 9:30 Saturday mornings. Bring the children!

We have four study groups that meet Saturdays at 9:45 a.m.
Anchor – a Bible study using the supplied lesson quarterly in the Fellowship Hall
Discovery – essentials of Christian faith in the Pre-School Room - main floor
Immerse! – a study of a selected Gospel in Childcare Room 2 - middle level
Young Adult – dialogue on questions of faith in Childcare Room 1 - middle level

We like loving through action more than talking about it. We encourage compassionate service in the various service organization of our York County communities; organizations like Seed of Hope, food pantries, libraries, hospitals, Habitat for Humanity, schools. We hope you'll be challenged, inspired, and engaged to do so as well.

We study Christian scripture, have a positive view of its reliability in matters of revealing God, and we value learning from reason, experience, and traditions (where they are in line with scripture!) as well. Questions are welcome!